German Observatory

The historic and preserved monument of the German Observatory (also known as Project) dominates the ridge of Kavomalias. It was built on top of Mount Krithina, southeast of the village of Velanidia. It is a complex of military buildings constructed in 1942 by the Germans. The observatory's position is strategic, enabling navigation control both in the Aegean region and the sea routes to the southern Peloponnese, Crete etc. Essential seems to have been its role in the battle of Crete, as well as the guidance that the aeroplanes had.
The complex consists of the main building (A), the secondary building (B), and the third building (C). To the west of the complex, there are two preserved, circular, stone structures that were presumably used as guard-houses. The complex was constructed with materials from the area and others transported from Piraeus by boat and the forced labour of the inhabitants. They were not just military buildings but a well-organized observatory. This is also confirmed by the oral testimonies of inhabitants who report the transfer of power generators and copper wires from Piraeus. After the withdrawal of the German troops, the complex was looted by the locals.
The German Naval Observatory is a unique example of military-technical constructions built by the Germans during World War II. Access to it is difficult, and it’s only accessible through a hiking trail, but the unique view from the point will reward you for your effort.