Speech-The case of the anniversary of March 17th, 1821
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The Municipality of Eastern Mani, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Antiquities & Scientific Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, invite you to the awareness conference on the subject of intangible cultural heritage entitled "The case of the anniversary of March 17th, 1821".
Conference Schedule
19:00 Greetings by Mayor Petros Andreakos
19:10 Greetings on behalf of the Society of Greek Philologists & the Society of Laconic Studies
G. Xanthakis, Professor Emeritus & Former President of the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Peloponnese
19:15 "The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO, 2003) and the means it offers for highlighting and preserving memory and living heritage in Greece."
S. Fotopoulou & I. Drinis, Department of Newer Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture
19:35 "Historical facts and evidence for the Anniversary Celebration"
G. Dimakogiannis, Publisher Adouloti Mani
19:55 "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development: opportunities and challenges"
M. Kouri, PhD, M.A., Assistant Professor of Cultural Management and Development of Local Societies, Department of History, Archeology & Cultural Property Management, University of Peloponnese
Event coordination: D. Rozakis, Educator