"The Hornman' s Rock"
As stated in Moreu's Chronicle, in 1435, the Duke of Athens, Franco Nero Acciaiuoli, was the area's owner.
During the Turkish occupation, Kyparissi and the surrounding villages suffered great hardships from the invasions of Ibrahim. So, the inhabitants fled to the village of Paleochora to escape death, but eventually, they were betrayed by a man called Skevi. However, he didn’t manage to save himself either. Ibrahim's men hung him in a place known today as "the horn man' s rock". More than 350 residents were killed, and 72 girls were sold as enslaved people in the East. It is said that a woman named Koula dragged a Turk and fell with him off a cliff so as not to fall into his hands. This cliff is called "Koulia".
Even today, the bones of those who fell, found in 1967, are preserved.