Sparta Stage-Drama as...
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Drama as...
What do stories and myths reveal about every one of us?
Can their dramatisation unlock the human soul? These are some of the questions we are working on in the group that operates on Fridays at the Sparta Stage.
Acting out, telling a story, and reversing roles are the tools we will use to explore what motivates or immobilises us.
With the dynamic of the theatre and the theatrical act, we will try to touch on life experiences and concerns.
The participants do not need to have the slightest connection with theatre art. After all, in this group, we will use theatre as a tool to discover what makes us face difficulties and find ways to deal with them.
Those wishing to participate in this Sparta Stage group should contact via e-mail or message on the Stage's social media.
Team coordinator: Chrysanthi Kotsafti
e-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Skini Spartis
Instagram: skinispartis