Street of Poets

"Street of Poets" is the road that leads to the "Sainopouleio Amphitheatre" and is located within the Sainopouleio Forest. Eight busts of important poets have been placed along the road, bearing the signature of the late sculptor Roza Ilios-Koumidos.
Specifically, these are the busts of the Laconian poets Nikiforos Vrettakos and Yannis Ritsos (donation of the "Spiritual Home (Estia) of Sparta"), the ancient Spartan poets Alcmanos and Tyrtaios (donation of " The Lacedaemonians in Attica Association"), of Georgios Seferis (donation of the Spartan Chrysiida Velikas ) of the Nobel laureate poet Odysseus Elytis (donation of the Municipality of Sparta) and our national poets Kostis Palamas and Dionysios Solomos (donation of the " USA and Canada Laconian Federation").